Part 1: Hardware Specifications
SE CT IO N 1. 2
Microstepping MForce PowerDrive Detailed Specifications
General Specifications
Electrical Specifications
Input Voltage (+V) Range* +12 to +75 VDC
Max Power Supply Current (Per MForce PowerDrive)* 4 Amps
Output Current RMS 5 Amps
Output Current Peak (Per Phase) 7 Amps
* Actual Power Supply Current will depend on Voltage and Load.
Table 1.2.1: Electrical Specifications
Thermal Specifications
Heat Sink Temperature -40°C to +85°C
Table 1.2.2: Thermal Specifications
I/O Specifications
Isolated Inputs — Step Clock, Direction and Enable
Resolution 10 Bit
Voltage Range (Sourcing or Sinking) +5 to +24 VDC
Current (+5 VDC Max) 8.7 mA
Current (+24 VDC Max) 14.6 mA
Table 1.2.3: I/O Specifications
Communications Specifications
Protocol SPI
Table 1.2.4: Communications Specifications
Motion Specifications
Microstep Resolution
Number of Resolutions 20
Available Microsteps Per Revolution
200 400 800 1000 1600 2000 3200 5000 6400 10000
12800 20000 25000 25600 40000 50000 51200 36000
1=0 .0 1 d eg/ µst ep 2 =1 arc m inu te/ µst ep 3 =0. 001 m m/µ ste p
Digital Filter Range
50 nS to 12.9 µS
(10 MHz to 38.8kHz)
Clock Types
Quadrature, Clock Up/
Clock Down
Step Frequency (Max) 5.0 MHz
Step Frequency Minimum Pulse Width 100 nS
Table 1.2.5: Motion Specifications