Intel GA-8N-SLI PRO Computer Hardware User Manual

P4 nForce4 SLI Series Motherboard - 52 -
FSB OverVoltage Control
Normal Set FSB OverVoltrage Control to Normal. (Default value)
+0.1V Set FSB OverVoltrage Control to +0.1V.
+0.2V Set FSB OverVoltrage Control to +0.2V.
+0.3V Set FSB OverVoltrage Control to +0.3V.
SATAII OverVoltage Control
Normal Set SATAII OverVoltrage Control to Normal. (Default value)
+0.1V Set SATAII OverVoltrage Control to +0.1V.
+0.2V Set SATAII OverVoltrage Control to +0.2V.
+0.3V Set SATAII OverVoltrage Control to +0.3V.
CPU Voltage Control
Supports adjustable CPU Vcore from 0.8375V to 1.6000V. (Default value: Normal)
Warning: CPU may be damaged or CPU life-cycle may be reduced when CPU is over-voltage.
Normal CPU Vcore
Display your CPU normal voltage.
Robust Graphics Booster
Select the options can enhance the VGA graphics card bandwidth to get higher performance.
Auto Set Robust Graphics Booster to Auto. (Default value)
Fast Set Robust Graphics Booster to Fast.
Turbo Set Robust Graphics Booster to Turbo.