Intel vPro Computer Hardware User Manual

Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® Pro Processor Technology Quick Start Guide
Contain both upper and lower case Latin characters
Have at least one numeric character
Have at least one ASCII non-alphanumeric character (!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *)
Step 4d: Select an IP Addressing Scheme
SMB mode supports both Static IP and Dynamic Host Protocol Configuration (DHCP). DHCP is the most
commonly used scheme today and provides the easiest integration with Intel AMT. If DHCP is your
choice, simply ensure that the DHCP value is set properly in the MEBx (“DHCP Disabled? No”).
If you choose static IP addressing, the Intel AMT client must have two IP addresses, one for the host OS
and one for the Intel Management Engine (Intel ME). Static IP addressing also requires a separate host
(computer) name for the host OS and the Intel ME. To select static IP addressing, select “DHCP
Disabled? Yes.” You’ll then be prompted to enter the IP information including IP address, subnet
mask, default gateway, and primary and secondary DNS server.
A host name must be entered into the Intel MEBx whether you choose static IP or DHCP within SMB
mode. It is not necessary to enter the Domain name into the Intel MEBx for SMB mode.
Step 4e: Set Additional Intel MEBx Parameters
There are a number of parameters that you can change in the Intel MEBx. All fields have a default
setting that may vary slightly depending on the system’s manufacturer. However, you’ll need to pay
particular attention to the following settings for SMB mode.
Setting Description or value
Intel AMT Configuration Mode Set to SMB
Configuration Server Options Not needed because these apply only to enterprise mode
Intel AMT Hostname In SMB mode this is required. If you use DHCP, this must match
computer name in the host OS. If you use static IP addressing, this
name must be unique from the computer name in the host OS.
Intel AMT Domain Name This will match the Domain Name in the Host OS
DHCP Enabled DHCP is recommended, but in SMB, both DHCP and Static IP addressing
are supported
Refer to documentation provided by your hardware manufacturer to determine which settings you need
to change.
For an example of an OEM configuration document:
HP dc7700 Business PC -