Kanguru Solutions iNAS-100 Network Router User Manual

Connecting the iNAS as a Router.
WAN Configuration
Enter the Network Settings sections from the Administration page. Then click
on WAN Configuration on the menu to the left if you are not there already.
5. Select the Network protocol that your ISP provides. You may need to
check with your ISP to confirm your type of connection. If you use a
Static IP address then you need to get this IP from your ISP.
6. Enable the “Allow Entering Administration Web Pages from External
Network” if you plan to access the iNAS remotely. Port 80 is selected by
default, and is already open to most web browsers to use the HTTP
protocol. Kanguru strongly suggests that you check with your ISP to
confirm that the selected port is open.
Note1: If you select a port other than 80, you will need to enter this
number at the end of the iNAS IP address. For example, if you choose to
use Port 88 to remotely access the iNAS, then you should enter
Note2: If your ISP provides you with a Dynamic IP address, then should use
a DNS service such as http://dyndns.org
to create a Dynamic DNS link to
your router. The DNS service is free, and will automatically update your IP
address for you. This is very useful because your Dynamic IP address can
change at any moment, so you will never be sure of the WAN IP address of
the iNAS if you are trying to remotely connect. The DNS service updates
the Dynamic IP address and masks it with a domain name of your choosing.
7. Click Apply to enter these settings.