TP-6810 11/13 17Section 2 Generator Set Operation
Automatic Stop
1. When the utility source is restored, the
Emergency-to-Normal time delay starts.
2. When the Emergency-to-Normal time delay
expires, the load is transferred to the utility.
3. The generator set stops.
2.4.7 Automatic Operation with Mod el
RDT or RSB Transfer Switches
If a Kohler Model RDT or RSB transfer switch is used,
the engine start contacts from the ATS must be
connectedto enginestart leads3 and4 onthe generator
The RDC2 generator set controller must be in AUTO
mode to respond to remote start/stop signals from an
ATS or remote switch. Press the AUTO button on the
RDC2 controller to put the generator set into automatic
Automatic Start
The engine start contacts on the ATS close to signal the
generator set to start, and remain closed while the
generator set is running.
Automatic Stop
The engine start contacts on the ATS open to signal the
generator set to stop.
2.5 Exercise
The RDC2 controller can be set to automatically run the
generator set at the same time and day every week or
every other week. Exercising the generator set every
week or every twoweeks is required in order tokeep the
engine and alternator in good operating condition.
Three exercise modes are available: unloaded cycle,
unloaded full speed, and loaded full speed. See
Sections 2.5.1 through 2.5.3 for information about the
exercise modes. A loaded exercise can be set at the
RDC2 controller only if a Model RXT transfer switch is
Note: With the RDT and RSB transfer switches, it is
possible to have two exercise settings (one
unloaded exercise set at the generator set
controller, and another exercise set at the ATS
controller). If the exercise times overlap, the ATS
exercise setting takes priority.
If a Model RDT or RSB transfer switch is used, refer to
the instructions providedwith the transfer switch to seta
loaded exercise at the ATS, if desired.
2.5.1 Unloaded Cycle Exercise with
Complete System Diagnostics
An unloaded cycle exercise runs the generator set
without signalling the transfer switch to transfer the
electricalload fromtheutilitysource tothegeneratorset.
The Unloaded Cycle exercise with diagnostics is the
recommended exercise mode and is the factory-default
exercise setting.
The Unloaded Cycle exercise runs the engine for
20 minutes in the cycle shown in Figure 2-1 and
described below.
D Runs at reduced speed for 10 minutes to warm up
and exercise the engine.
D Ramps up and runs at full speed for 3 minutes.
Engine diagnostics are performed during this
full-speed portion of the cycle, which provides the
best test of engine and alternator power backup
capability. Diagnostic tests at full speed can identify
potential problemswith the poweroutput andalert the
operator before an emergency event.
D Ramps down and runs at reduced speed for
5 minutes to cool down the engine before shutting
down automatically.
Engine Speed, RPM
10 min. 5 min.
Figure 2-1 Unloaded Exercise Cycle
System Diagnostics
During the unloaded cycle exercise, the controller
monitors the following data. The controller display
indicates an unloaded exercise run during the
diagnostics, unless a fault is detected as described