Entire Contents © 2006 Prog
e Business Pub
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Phaser 8500/8550 family is really in a category by itself.
In another plus
, these machines ar
e small in dimension
and weight, unlike some laser machines.
A fear that some users have had in the past with solid
ink jets is that printed pa
ges can be difficult to copy or
scan la
ter via a copier’s automatic document feeder
because of the slightly raised texture of the image. But
vances in ink manufacture have minimized that prob-
Although these limitations may cause a f
ew buyers to
look else
where, we feel that many color users will be
swayed by the Phaser 8500/8550 family’s undeniable
These are not intended for really high-volume use —
they are rated for 85,000 pages per month. The meager
output tra
y is a clear indication that this printer is better
suited for a moderate flow of work. The warm-up time
may be an issue as well; it’s considerably longer than that
or LED and laser
But this should be a once-a-day issue.
These machines are capable of producing very good
color output and good black-and-white documents as
well. They are easy to use and can be pretty fast when it
comes to full-color output, though not at the highest res-
olution. Keep in mind, however, that the series does not
ve the paper-handling capability to be used in place of
a departmental laser printer.
But all things told, we really like the Phaser 8500/8550
family. We also find its attractive pricing, small and ele-
gant footprint, and quiet operation very nice bonuses as
Chart entries — pages 119–120
Xerox Phaser 6300N
Xerox Phaser 6300DN
26ppm full color
36ppm black & white
Xerox Phaser 6350DP
Xerox Phaser 6350DT
Xerox Phaser 6350DX
36ppm full color
36ppm black & white
Sum-up: Raw power makes this a very good family of work-
group printers.
As with the Phaser 8500/8550 family, Xerox’s Phaser
6300/6350 family has models that run at different speeds
but otherwise share virtually all features and are clearly
based on the same engine. In this case, that engine is a
powerful one, as the 800MHz processor indicates.
The Phaser 6300 models run at 26ppm in color and
36ppm in black-and-white. The Phaser 6350 models run
at 36ppm in both color and b
lack-and-white. The 6350
models come with more standard features, but these fea-
tures are optionall
y available in the lower-priced 6300
models. There aren’t many color laser printers that offer
faster speeds, especially at this price range.
The models in the series are:
● The $1,299 Phaser 6300N, which starts with 256MB
of memory and 700 sheets of standard input. The
monthly duty cycle is set at 100,000.
Better Buys for Business
Xerox Phaser 6350 (High-Capacity Toner Cartridge)
Consumables costs at-a-glance
Full-color cost per page
Black-and-white cost per page
k toner
$99.99 10,000 $ 0.010 $ 0.010
Cyan toner $249.99 10,000 $ 0.025 N/A
enta toner
$249.99 10,000 $ 0.025 N/A
w toner
$249.99 10,000 $ 0.025 N/A
ging unit/4-color
$249.99 35,000 $ 0.007 $ 0.007
er r
$71.99 35,000 $ 0.002 N/A
Fuser kit $149.99 100,000 $ 0.001 $ 0.001
$ 0.0957 $ 0.0230
9.57 0.02
Xerox Phaser 8550
Consumables costs at-a-glance
Full-color cost per page
Black-and-white cost per page
Black toner $88.99 6,000 $ 0.015 $ 0.015
Cyan toner $88.99 3,000 $ 0.030 N/A
Magenta toner $88.99 3,000 $ 0.030 N/A
Yellow toner $88.99 3,000 $ 0.030 N/A
Maintenance kit $99.99 10,000 $ 0.010 $ 0.010
$ 0.1138 $ 0.0248
11.38 2.48