4: Configuration Using XML
EDS-MD Command Reference 35
line (Attribute of "instance"
is "<decimal>")
receiver bytes decimal number
breaks decimal number
parity errors decimal number
framing errors decimal number
overrun errors decimal number
no receive buffer errors decimal number
queued bytes decimal number
flow control go, stop, or n/a
transmitter bytes decimal number
breaks decimal number
queued bytes decimal number
flow control go, stop, or n/a
line levels cts asserted or not asserted
rts asserted or not asserted
dsr asserted or not asserted
dtr asserted or not asserted
line (group nested within
line above)
state enable or disable
protocol Tunnel or None.
baud rate <decimal> bits per second
parity None, Odd, or Even
data bits 7 or 8
stop bits 1 or 2
flow control None, Hardware, or
xon char of form
xoff char of form
memory main heap total memory decimal number of bytes
available memory decimal number of bytes
processes process (Attribute of
"instance" is "<decimal>")
stack used decimal number
stack size decimal number
cpu % decimal number
thread name String
Group Name (continued) Item Name Value Name Valid Values