VLAN: For information on adding a NIC to a VLAN (Virtual LAN), refer to VLAN Settings.
Bonding NICs: For information on bonding multiple network interface cards (NICs), refer to Bonding
Bonding NICs
Bonding network interface cards (NICs) is a way to provide redundancy for your ix4-300d on the network. If
one NIC should fail, your ix4-300d will remain accessible on the network if that NIC is bonded to others.
Depending on the bonding mode selected, it can also increase bandwidth. See Manually Configuring
Network Settings for information on bonding mode options and how to change the bonding mode.
You can bond two or more network interface cards (NICs) in your ix4-300d by selecting the NICs and
clicking Apply.
Use the following procedure to bond NICs.
1. On the Network page, expand the NIC number and then expand the Bond Network Interface
2. Check the checkboxes next to the NICs that you want to bond to the selected NIC. For example, if
you selected NIC 1, and your configuration includes four NICs, you could bond NIC 1 to NIC 2, 3,
and/or 4.
3. Click Apply to save your settings.
4. The section updates and displays the NICs that are bonded to the selected NIC.
Unbonding NICs
1. To unbond a NIC, uncheck the box next to the bonded NIC.
2. Click Apply to save your settings.
VLAN Settings
A VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) is a network of devices that are joined into one broadcast domain,
even if the devices are not physically connected to each other. VLANs are useful for creating smaller
networks within a larger LAN; for example, a legal department in a company might be on its own VLAN
because it has sensitive documents that only certain personnel should have access to. The smaller
networks that VLANs create do not require any additional physical resources, such as additional cabling.
Your ix4-300d Network Storage can be configured to support VLANs by connecting the corresponding
physical NIC to the trunk port of an L2/L3 switch.
VLAN is configured for each NIC, but it is not supported on bonded NICs. If a NIC is bonded, you must
unbind it first to configure it for a VLAN.
Adding a VLAN
1. To add a VLAN, expand the VLAN Settings section of a NIC.
2. Click Add VLAN.
3. Enter a VLAN ID value between 2 and 4094. You can enter up to 4 VLAN IDs for each NIC. A
VLAN can obtain its network settings from DHCP, or you can uncheck DHCP and enter the IP
address, subnet mask, and gateway manually.
4. Refer to Network Settings on page 6 for information about jumbo frames.
Setting up Your ix4-300d Network Storage
the ix4-300d