printer_name is the Print Queue name used to store jobs for the corresponding logical
PS_NAME is the LevelOne Printer Server name defined in /etc/hosts
Logical_Printer_name is the logical printer name on the LevelOne Printer Server
(L1..L3 or L1..L8, depending on your model)
Spooler_directory is the directory you created in Step 6.
AB] :lp=:\
AB] :rm=PS_Rm203:\
AB] :rp=L1:\
AB] :sd=/usr/spool/Marketing:\
AB] :mx#0:
Repeat this process for each Logical Printer/Print Queue combination that you wish to
Before continuing, ensure that an IP Address has been assigned to the LevelOne Printer
Server. Remember the following:
• The remote host name is the name of the LevelOne Printer Server.
• The remote printer name is the logical printer (L1..L3, or L1..L8) on the LevelOne
Printer Server.
• If asked for the LPD type, enter the service type as BSD.
• In the sample commands shown, printer_name is the Print Queue serviced by the
logical printer on the LevelOne Printer Server, and Spooler_dir is the name of the
directory used to spool the print jobs.
Action Sample Command
Create a spooling directory mkdir /usr/spool/Spooler_dir
Set spooling daemon as owner of
this directory.
chown daemon /usr/spool/Spooler_dir
Create read/write permissions. chmod 775 /usr/spool/Spooler_dir
Give permissions to LPD processes. chgrp daemon /usr/spool/Spooler_dir
Add remote printer(s) See below.
Start lpc print mechanism lpc start printer_name
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