If you don't press any button for a while during the playing, the
play information box (as shown in the below) will float as a
screen saver.
The ‘Screen Saver’?
Screen saver is to prevent screen pixel damage due to an
fixed image remaining on the screen for a extended period
of time.
If you press OK ,
RETURN buttons, screen saver is stopped.
Supported music file:
Sampling Frequency : 32 ~ 48kHz
Bit rate : 32 ~ 320kbps
When music is playing, is displayed in Back of the music title.
A music downloaded from a paid service with copyright protection does not start but displays inappropriate informa-
tion in playtime.
buttons on the remote control are not available in this mode.
Customer should note that permission is required in order to download MP3 files form the internet, our company
has no right to guarantee such permission, permission should always be sought from the copyright owner.
When loading, some buttons may not work.