LG Electronics N1T1 Network Hardware User Manual

NAS Monitor
The Network Storage’s IP address detected on the local network will be shown
and will connect to the automatically changed IP address.
NAS Monitor will automatically
communicate with LG Network
Storage to get IP Address
Right click on windows
notice icon.
- Web menu :
It is a menu used to access a web page.
- Network Folder : It is used when opening network folde.
- FTP server : It is used to connect to FTP server.
- NAS Detector : Used to change the IP Address of LG Network Storage
NAS Detector must be installed to use this menu.
- NAS Selection : You can select one desired LG Network Storage.
- View the Last Message : Shows the latest network information on the connected Network
한 대의 넷하드만 연결되어 있다면 자동으로 선택됩니다.
If there is only one Network Storage connected, it will be automatically selected.