Equipment Location 9
1. Handle cabinet(s) in accordance with the Section 1.0 Safety Precautions and 3.0
Unloading & Handling. Use a suitable material handling device to move cabinet to its final
location. Exercise extreme care because of the uneven weight distribution. Carefully
lower the cabinet to the floor.
2. Verify that the UPS system is installed in a clean, cool and dry location.
3. Installation and serviceability will be easier if adequate access is provided on all sides of the
equipment, but only front access is required.
a. Verify that there is adequate clearance to open cabinet doors. See drawings and local
codes (4 feet is recommended).
b. Verify that there is adequate area in front of circuit breakers to perform maintenance.
Check installation drawings for location of breakers. Check with local codes.
c. Verify that there is adequate clearance above all cabinets to allow exhaust air to flow
without restriction (2 feet minimum, unobstructed).