Linksys SRW2048 Switch User Manual

WebView Switches
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Welcome 1
What’s in this User Guide? 3
Chapter 2: Getting to Know the Switch 4
SRW2048 4
SRW2024 6
SRW2016 8
SRW248G4 10
SRW224G4 12
Chapter 3: Connecting the Switch 14
Overview 14
Before You Install the Switch... 15
Placement Options 16
Connecting the Switch 17
Chapter 4: Using the Console Interface for Configuration 18
Overview 18
Configuring the HyperTerminal Application 18
Connecting to the Switch through a Telnet Session 19
Configuring the Switch through the Console Interface 20
Chapter 5: Using the Web-based Utility for Configuration 32
Overview 32
Accessing the Web-based Utility 32
Setup Tab - Summary 33
Setup Tab - Network Settings 34
Setup Tab - Time 35
Port Management Tab - Port Settings 36
Port Management Tab - Link Aggregation 39
Port Management Tab - LACP 40
VLAN Management Tab - Create VLAN 41
VLAN Management Tab - Port Setting 41
VLAN Management Tab - Ports to VLAN 42
VLAN Management Tab - VLAN to Ports 43