7 – 11
50 Reserved
51 - 52 Obsolete
53 15-3 = reserved
2, 1 = the fields supported in words 88 are valid, 0 = the fields supported in words 88 are not valid
1, 1 = the fields reports in words 64-70 are valid, 0 = the fields reports in words 64-70 are not valid
0, 1 = the fields reports in words 54-58 are valid, 0 = the fields reports in words 54-58 are not valid
54 Number of current logical cylinders
55 Number of current logical heads
56 Number of logical sectors per track
57 - 58 Current capacity in sectors
59 15-9 = reserved
8, 1 = multiple sector setting is valid
7-0 xxh = current setting for number of sectors that canbe transferred per interrupt on Read/Write Multiple
60 - 61 Total number of user addressable sectors (LBA mode only)
62 obsolete
63 15-11 = reserved
10, 1 = Multi-word DMA mode 2 is selected, 0 = Multi-word DMA mode 2 is not selected
9, 1 = Multi-word DMA mode 1 is selected, 0 = Multi-word DMA mode 1 is not selected
8, 1 = Multi-word DMA mode 0 is selected, 0 = Multi-word DMA mode 0 is not selected
7-3, = reserved
2, 1 = Multi-word DMA mode 2 and below are supported
1, 1 = Multi-word DMA mode 1 and below are supported
0, 1 = Multi-word DMA mode 0 is supported
7-0 = Multi=word DMA transfer modes supported
64 15-8 = reserved, 7-0 = advanced PIO transfer modes supported
65 Minimum multi-word DMA transfer cycle time per word (15-0 = cycle time in nanoseconds)
66 Manufacturer's recommeded multi-word DMA transfer cycle time (15-0 = cycle time in nanoseconds)
67 Minimum PIO transfer cycle time without flow control (15-0 = cycle time in nanoseconds)
68 Minimum PIO transfer cycle time with IORDY flow control (15-0 = cycle time in nanoseconds)
69-74 reserved
75 Queue depth, 15-3 = reserved, 4-0, maximum queue depth - 1
76-79 reserved
80 Major version number
15, reserved, 14-6 = reserved for ATA/ATAPI-14 to ATA/ATAPI-6 respectively
5, 1 = supports ATA/ATAPI-5
4, 1 = supports ATA/ATAPI-4
3, 1 = supports ATA-3
2, 1 = supports ATA-2
1, obsolete
0, reserved
81 Minor version number
82 Command set supported. If words 82 and 83 = 0000h or FFFFh command set notification not supported.
15, obsolete
14, 1 = supports the NOP command
13, 1 = supports the Read Buffer command
12, 1 = supports theWrite Buffer command
11, obsolete
10, 1 = supports Host-Protected Area feature set
9, 1 = supports the Device Reset command
8, 1 = supports Service Interupt
7, 1 = supports Release Interupt
6, 1 = supports Look Ahead
5, 1 = supports Write Cache
4, shall be cleared to zero
3, 1 = supports the Power Management feature command
2, 1 = supports the RemovableMedia feature command
1, 1 = supports the SecurityMode feature command
0, 1 = supports the SMART feature set