When FocusBT Acts as a Client to Other Devices with
Bluetooth Technology
In the client device mode of operation, the FocusBT initiates the connection via
Bluetooth wireless technology. The Bluetooth address of the remote device is
required to establish a connection. The remote device must also be configured
to accept incoming connections and must support the Bluetooth wireless
technology Serial Port (SPP) profile.
• If the Bluetooth address of the remote device is headed with FNC3
and consists of a 12-digit hex value (e.g.
000CA7000118), scan the
address bar code to establish the communication.
Sample of a 12-digit Bluetooth Address with FNC3
• If the Bluetooth address of the remote device is not
headed with
FNC3 but is just a common 12-digit hex value (e.g. 000CA7000118),
first scan the Get Bluetooth Address bar code then scan the remote
device’s Bluetooth address bar code.
Get Bluetooth Address
• If the Bluetooth address code of the remote device is set to
000CA7000000, FocusBT will automatically go into server mode and
will not attempt to establish an outgoing connection via Bluetooth
wireless technology.
To return to service mode:
Scan the bar code below to change FocusBT from client mode to
service mode.
*Provide Bluetooth Service