MultiModemBA User Guide
Command Description
+++AT<CR> In-band Escape Sequence. Places modem in
Command Mode while still remaining On-Line. Enter
+++ followed by the letters A and T, up to ten
command characters, and a RETURN.
BREAK AT<CR> Out-of-band Escape Sequence. Places modem in
Command mode while still remaining On- Line.
Enter a BREAK signal, followed by the letters A and
T, up to sixty command characters, and hit
Callback Security/Remote Configuration Command Summary
Command Description
#DBn #DB0 disables Callback Security and answering Yes
to the prompt turns off Callback Security and erases
stored phone numbers and passwords. Answering
No to the prompt aborts the command.
#DB1 activates remote and local password security.
#DB2 activates remote password security.
#CBNyyxxxxxx Callback password with xxxxxx being callback
password and yy being the memory location.
Callback password xxxxxx must start with a non-
numeric character and upper/lower case sensitive.
Callback password xxxxxx must be a minimum of 6
and maximum of 10 characters. yy memory
locations are from 0 to 29. Must specify P (pulse) or
T (tone) dialing in string.
+ - Dxxxxxx???Nxx Callback Phone Numbers xxxxxx with the +
preceding the phone number indicating the callback
modem phone number for the corresponding
password at the same memory location. The (-)
preceding the phone number enables direct entry
when the caller uses the correct password without
the callback modem having to return the call. The
??? entry at the end of the phone number
represents an extension added to the main phone
number. The Nxx is the memory location of the
callback phone number and password.
#Pn Parity of the prompt messages sent by the callback
#P0 is no parity
#P1 is odd parity
#P2 is even parity
#RCBNxx Erases the callback password stored at memory
location xx. Memory locations are 0 to 29.
#RDNxx Erases the callback phone number stored at
memory location xx. Memory locations are 0 to 29.