Your alarm specialist may have
programmed your system to be
monitored by a central station. The built-
in digital communicator can transmit
emergency signals and status reports to
the central station 24 hours a day.
Communicator Features
Abort Delay. Ask your installer which
of your zones have Abort Delay, a
delay that enables you to reset the
system before it communicates to
the central station. Your system
has a SIA CP-01 required Abort
Delay of 30 seconds. It may be re-
moved or increased up to 45 sec-
onds (at your option) by consulting
with your installer.
Regular Burglary (Non-24-Hour) Zone
reports are aborted by disarming
within the delay period. 24-Hour
Zones and zones programmed to
report restores must be restored
first, then the panel armed and
disarmed, all within the delay
Opening and/or Closing Reporting.
Your system can notify the central
station every time it is disarmed or
armed. Any or all of up to 96
different users can each be
identified. If your system reports on
arming (Closing Report), the central
station will acknowledge arming.
This will signal at the keypad as a
“ringback” beep. Note: If the
ringback signal is not heard, call for