National Instruments 321372C-01 Computer Hardware User Manual

Hardware and Software Configuration Form
Record the settings and revisions of your hardware and software on the line to the right of each item.
Complete a new copy of this form each time you revise your software or hardware configuration, and
use this form as a reference for your current configuration. Completing this form accurately before
contacting National Instruments for technical support helps our applications engineers answer your
questions more efficiently.
National Instruments Products
General Information
CAN Interface Type (such as PCI-CAN/2) ____________________________________________
NI-CAN Diagnostic Utility Results __________________________________________________
Version Information
To access complete version information, including the hardware version and the NI-CAN
driver version, open the MS-DOS Prompt and change to the NI-CAN installation directory
c:\nican). At the prompt, enter the following command:
candiag -v
Version Information from the NI-CAN Diagnostic ______________________________________
Other Products
Programming Environment Information
Programming Language ___________________________________________________________
Compiler Vendor_________________________________________________________________
Compiler Version ________________________________________________________________
Application Information
LabVIEW Application ____________________________________________________________
Win32 Application _______________________________________________________________
If Win 32, method of accessing DLL (link with language interface or direct entry?) ____________