
Chapter 4 Working with Signals
© National Instruments Corporation 4-7 Getting Started with LabVIEW SignalExpress
Saving Signals to File
Complete the following steps to save a signal to a file.
1. Click the Add Step button and select Load/Save Signals»Analog
Signals»Save to ASCII/LVM.
2. Click the Signals tab in the Step Setup dialog box and select filtered
step from the Input Data pull-down menu.
3. On the File Settings tab, save the file to
Examples\Tutorial\filtered signal.txt
in the Export file
path control.
4. Select Overwrite from the If file already exists pull-down menu.
5. Select Generic ASCII from the Export file type pull-down menu.
You can use a Load/Save Signals step to save data to a file every time
the project runs.
6. Click the Close button to close the Step Setup dialog box.
7. Click the Run button to run the project and save the resulting signal to
the specified ASCII file.
8. Select File»Save Project to save the project.
9. Select File»Close Project to close the project.
Exporting Signals to Microsoft Excel
To export signal data to Microsoft Excel, launch Excel and drag the output
signal of a step in LabVIEW SignalExpress to an Excel spreadsheet.
Printing Signals
To print an image of a graph, open the Data View and select File»Print»
Print Data View.
Creating Reports in LabVIEW SignalExpress
View»Project Documentation
to display the Project Documentation
View. You can describe your project using text and drag and drop step
outputs into your documentation. When you drag and drop a step output into
the Project Documentation View, the value in the Project Documentation
View automatically updates to match the current value of the step output.
To print your documentation, open the Project Documentation View and
select File»Print»Print Documentation. To export your documentation to
HTML, open the Project Documentation View and select File»Export»
Export Documentation to HTML.