Chapter 1 Introduction
© National Instruments Corporation 1-3 6023E/6024E/6025E User Manual
6023E/6024E/6025E User Manual
One of the following software packages and documentation:
– LabVIEW for Windows
– Measurement Studio
– VirtualBench
NI-DAQ for PC Compatibles
Your computer equipped with one of the following:
– PCIbusforaPCIdevice
– PXI or CompactPCI chassis and controller for a PXI device
– Type II PCMCIA slot for a DAQCard device
Read Chapter 2, Installation and Configuration, before installing your device.
Always install your software before installing your device.
Software Programming Choices
When programming your National Instruments DAQ and SCXI hardware,
you can use National Instruments application software or another
application development environment (ADE). In either case, you use
National Instruments Application Software
LabVIEW features interactive graphics, a state-of-the-art user interface,
and a powerful graphical programming language. The LabVIEW Data
Acquisition VI Library, a series of virtual instruments for using LabVIEW
with NationalInstruments DAQ hardware,is included withLabVIEW. The
LabVIEW Data Acquisition VI Library is functionally equivalent to
NI-DAQ software.
Measurement Studio, which includes LabWindows/CVI, tools for Visual
C++, and tools for Visual Basic, is a development suite that allows you to
use ANSI C, Visual C++, and Visual Basic to design your test and
measurement software. For C developers, Measurement Studio includes
LabWindows/CVI, a fully integrated ANSI C application development
environment that features interactive graphics and the LabWindows/CVI
Data Acquisition and Easy I/O libraries. For Visual Basic developers,
Measurement Studio features a set of ActiveX controls for using National
Instruments DAQ hardware. These ActiveX controls provide a high-level