Chapter 4 PCMCIA Serial Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration
© National Instruments Corporation 4-5 Serial Hardware and Software for Windows
7. Run the diagnostic utility, as follows: select Start»Programs»
National Instruments»NI-Serial»Diagnostics.
The diagnostic utility verifies that your serial driver is installed
properly, that the configuration of your hardware does notconflict with
anything else in your system, and that the serial driver can
communicate with your hardware correctly.
If the test is successful, your serial hardware and software are installed
properly. If the test fails, refer to Appendix D, Troubleshooting and
Common Questions, to troubleshoot the problem.
8. After you verify the hardware and software installation, connect the
cables. See Appendix A, Connector Descriptions, for information
about cable connections.
Configure Communication Port Settings
The serial configuration utility is fully integrated into the Windows 2000
Device Manager. You can use it to view or change the configuration of
your serial ports.
To configure a serial port, complete the following steps:
1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel and double-click on the
System icon.
2. ClickontheHardware tabandclickontheDevice Manager button.
3. Double-click on the Ports (COM & LPT) icon.
4. Double-click on the port you want to configure and refer to the
following instructions:
• To view the hardware resources assigned to the serial port, click
on the Resources tab.
• To view or change the port settings, click on the Port Settings tab.
For more information about the settings, refer to the next section,
Port Settings Tab.
• To change the RS-485 transceiver mode, or to enable or disable
the FIFOs on the serial hardware, in the Port Settings tab, click
on the Advanced button. For more information about the settings,
refer to the next section, Port Settings Tab.
Transceiver modes apply to RS-485 interfaces only. For more information about
transceiver modes, refer to Chapter 6, Using Your Serial Hardware.
5. To save your changes, click on the OK button. To exit without saving
the changes, click on the Cancel button.