NEC RS-232C Computer Monitor User Manual

SOH-'0'-Monitor ID-'0'-'A'-'0'-'6'
STX-'C'-'2'-'1'-'7'-ETX BCC CR
SOH (01h): Start Of Header
'0' (30h): Reserved
Monitor ID: Specify the Monitor ID which you want to get Model Name.
Ex.) If Monitor ID is '1', specify 'A'.
'0' (30h): Message sender is the controller.
'A' (41h): Message type is "Command".
'0'-'6'(30h, 36h): Message length
STX (02h): Start of Message
'C'-'2'-'1'-'7' (43h, 32h,
31h, 37h): Model Name command
ETX (03h): End of Message
Check code
BCC: Block Check Code
Refer to the section 4.5 Check code for a BCC calculation.
CR (0Dh): End of packet
2) The monitor replies the model name data to the controller.
Header Message Check code
SOH-'0'-'0'-Monitor ID-'B'-N-N STX-'C'-'3'-'1'-'7'-Data(0) -Data(1)---
SOH (01h): Start Of Header
'0' (30h): Reserved
'0' (30h): Message receiver is the controller.
Monitor ID: Indicate a replying Monitor ID.
When this byte is set to 'A', the replying Monitor ID is '1'.
'B' (42h): Message type is "Command reply".
N-N: Message length
Note.) The maximum data length that can be returned from the monitor at a time is
Ex.) The byte data 20h is encoded as ASCII characters '2' and '0' (32h and 30h).
STX (02h): Start of Message
'C'-'3'-'1'-'7' (43h, 33h, 31h, 37h): Model Name reply Command
Data(0) -Data(1)----Data(n):Model name
These data are encoded to ASCII characters strings.
ETX (03h): End of Message
Check code
BCC: Block Check Code
Refer to the section 4.5 Check code for a BCC calculation.
CR (0Dh): End of packet
13. Security Lock
13.1 Security Lock Control
This command sets the condition of security lock function to "LOCK" or "UNLOCK".
If security pass codes 1st to 4th are matched with monitor resisted pass codes, then this
command is executed, and reply no error status and a new condition.
If codes aren't matched with them then setting isn't changed, and reply error status and
a current condition.
If the monitor receives this command while waiting for Pass codes inputs, then it only
checks Pass cords (and releases image muting if Pass codes are OK) and doesn't apply "EN"