Manage and Monitor
CM500 High Speed Cable Modem
5. Type the old password.
6. T
ype the new password in the Set Password field.
7. T
ype the new password in the Repeat New Password field.
8. Click the Apply button.
Your change takes effect.
Reboot the Cable Modem
Rebooting the cable modem disconnects all computers from the cable modem’s local area
network (LAN). After the cable modem is finished booting and reestablishes a connection
with the cable Internet provider’s network, the devices reconnect to the cable modem’s LAN.
To reboot the cable modem:
1. Launch a web browser from a computer that is attached over an Ethernet cable to the
cable modem or from a computer that is connected to a WiFi router that is attached over an
Ethernet cable t
o the cable modem.
2. T
A login screen displays.
3. Enter the cable modem user name and password.
The user name is admin.
The default password is password. The user name and
password are case-sensitive.
The BASIC Home screen displays.
4. Select ADV