
Reference Manual for the RangeMax Wireless Router WPN824
Advanced Configuration of the Router 8-7
202-10072-01, March 2005
Follow these steps to set up a computer to play Internet games or use Internet applications:
1. Click Add.
Figure 8-5: Add Port Trigger Menu
Enter a service name in the Service Name box.
3. Under Service User, selecting Any (default) will allow this service to be used by everyone in
your network. Otherwise, select Single address and enter the IP address of one computer to
restrict the service to a particular computer.
4. Select the Service Type.
5. Enter the outbound port number in Triggering Port box.
6. Enter the inbound connection port information such as Connection Type, Starting Port and
Ending Port boxes. This information can be obtained from the game or applications manual or
support Web site.
7. Click Apply to save your changes.