UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .
Automated Customer Support (ACS) is designed to permit remote user access to the PBS customer
support AS/400. This product is offered at no charge to customers who are under a software maintenance
license agreement. It provides menu screens to assist you in defining ACS connectivity to the PBS
customer support machine and in ordering any necessary enhancements or corrections (PTFs) to PBS
software products.
ACS allows you to:
• Order PTFs for any AS/Manager product
• Send a message to technical support
• Page a technical support representative for emergencies
• Ask questions or search for answers on Q&A database.
Automated Customer Support is provided as a service to our valued customers in order to assure the
highest level of support. If you are interested in purchasing the product for your own PTF distribution
requirements, call us and we will provide additional information.
The following instructions will give you an overview of how to load ACS and order a PTF. Be sure that the
user installing ACS has *ALLOBJ authority before entering the following commands.
1. Install ACS:
• Enter the command: RSTLIB LIB(ACSLIBC) DEV(xxxxx)
• Enter the command: ADDLIBLE ACSLIBC
• Enter the command: GO ASM
This will take you to the main menu for Automated Customer Support.
2. Check the resource name:
• Enter the command: DSPLIND QESLINE
• Look at the IBM line and check the value “Resource Name.” It will normally be LIN011.
3. Configure the line:
• Use option 2 (Configure Communication for Support) on the ACS menu. To access the
online user documentation, take Option 3 for the Configuration Menu, then press F23 to
view it or F24 to print it. Option 3 should be executed before any PTFs are ordered. It will
create a line (ASM$LINE), a controller (ASM$CTL) and a device (ASM$DEV). The user
should not vary these objects on. The order process will vary them on during the