Always On Outlets
For the Always On outlets, power will be routed to attached components at all times, regardless of
whether the Power Button on the AC-8CX is initiated or not. These outlets are appropriate for any
component that has a clock, timer, or that will be used as a master control or triggering unit for the
rest of the system. Devices such as a VCR, DBS receiver, cable TV box, or any item with a
microprocessor should use the Always On outlets.
Switched Outlets
The Switched outlets power up the moment the Power Button is initiated. These outlets are appropri-
ate for devices with latching power supplies* such as some CD players, tuners, tape decks, and some
televisions. If the power button on your iPOWER
unit is left permanently engaged, the Switched out-
lets will function identically to the Always On outlets described above.
* You can tell if a component has a latching power supply by unplugging it from the wall while it is turned on,
waiting three minutes, and then plugging it back in. If the power comes back on, it is latching.