Nortel Networks 8000 Network Card User Manual

Error Handling
300861-C Rev. 00 5-3
Table 5-2. Interval Error Counter MIBs
MIB Object Name Description
anxt1IntervalIndex The index value of the DS1 interface for the selected interval.
anxt1IntervalNumber A number between 1 and 96, where 1 is the most recently
completed 15 minute interval and 96 is the least recently
completed 15 minute interval (this assumes that all 96
intervals are valid).
anxt1IntervalOofs The number of OOF events for the selected interval. (An event
begins when any two out of four consecutive frame
synchronizing bits received from the network interface are
incorrect.) An OOF state ends when reframe occurs.
anxt1IntervalBpvs The number of bipolar violation errors for the selected interval.
(Bipolar violation is the occurrence of two consecutive pulses
with the same polarity.)
anxt1IntervalCrcs The number of CRC errors for the selected interval. (DS1
signal from incoming call does not agree with DS1 signal from
the network.)
anxt1IntervalCs The number of DS1 frames which are replicated or deleted in
the selected interval.
anxt1IntervalRnacs The number of network alarms occurring in the selected
interval. (This is expressed in seconds with at least one alarm
occurring per second.)
anxt1IntervalEsfError The extended superframe errors count in the selected interval.
anxt1IntervalLofc The loss of framing errors count in the selected interval.