Nortel Networks 8000 Network Card User Manual

Error Handling
300861-C Rev. 00 5-5
Table 5-4 lists the threshold MIB objects, descriptions, and corresponding error
counters. (Error counter MIBs are in parentheses.)
PPP Trace-to-Syslog
Access the ppp_trace_lvl parameter, when debugging connection problems. For
more information about the MIB objects, see the xylo-wan.mib file.
Table 5-4. Threshold MIBs
MIB Object Name Description
wanBpvThreshold The threshold which, when met or exceeded, triggers the
wanBpvThreshTrap to be sent. (anxt1CurrentBpvs)
wanOofThreshold The threshold which, when met or exceeded, triggers the
wanOofThreshTrap to be sent. (anxt1CurrentOofs)
wanEsThreshold The threshold which, when met or exceeded, triggers the
wanEsThreshTrap to be sent. (dsx1CurrentESs)
wanCvThreshold The threshold which, when met or exceeded, triggers the
wanCvThreshTrap to be sent. (dsx1CurrentPCVs)
wanEsfThreshold The threshold which, when met or exceeded, triggers the
wanEsfThreshTrap to be sent. (anxt1CurrentEsfs)
wanSesThreshold The threshold which, when met or exceeded, triggers the
wanSesThreshTrap to be sent. (dsx1CurrentSEFs)
wanUasThreshold The threshold which, when met or exceeded, triggers the
wanUasThreshTrap to be sent. (dsx1CurrentUASs)
wanBesThreshold The threshold which, when met or exceeded, triggers the
wanBesThreshTrap to be sent. (dsx1CurrentBESs)
wanLofcThreshold The threshold which, when met or exceeded, triggers the
wanLofcThreshTrap to be sent. (anxt1CurrentLofcs)
wanCssThreshold The threshold which, when met or exceeded, triggers the
wanCssThreshTrap to be sent. (dsx1CurrentCSSs)
ds0ErrorThreshold This object defines the threshold for number of consecutive
calls that the ds0 fails to accept after which the ds0ErrorTrap
is sent to the trap host(s). Setting this object to zero disables
the trap.