Enterprise Common MIB Definitions
D-10 Issue 2 December 1996
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
”Indicates who owns the front panel at this time.
If the status is free, then a keyPress set
will successfully update the front panel and
the status will change to nms. The agent is
allowed to set the status back to free after
a specified inter-keyPress timeout.”
::= { adminFrontPanel 1 }
adminFrontPanelNMSOwner OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
”If status is nms, then this is its IP adddress;
otherwise it is undefined.
Note: It is possible for multiple NMS users to
have the same IP address. Use adminFrontPanelNMSComment
to further differentiate the user.”
::= { adminFrontPanel 2 }
adminFrontPanelNMSComment OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..40))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
”It is suggested that this be maintained by a NMS
application and that it contain information such as
the owners name, address, phone number, etc.”
::= { adminFrontPanel 3 }
adminFrontPanelCommand OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
”Release changes the status to free. The agent
is allowed to reject this value if the IpAddress
of the set does not match adminFrontPanelNMSOwner.