Management Information Bases
3-6 Issue 2 December 1996
Front Panel MIB Overview
The Front Panel MIB provides remote access to the front panel
of a device and is accessed using the community procedures
used for the 6700 Device MIB.
Front panel keypress codes can be sent to the device in Set
requests. The current front panel display can be retrieved with a
Get request to the front panel display table.
Refer to Appendix D for a full description of the Front Panel MIB.
Call Directory MIB Overview
The Call Directory MIB contains call directory data for a device
and is accessed using the community procedures used for the
6700 Device MIB. The number of entries in a device’s call
directory table is dependent on the device type.
Refer to Appendix D for a full description of the Call Directory
DOS, Windows, and
Workstation MIBs
Additional MIBs supported by the SNMP Proxy Agent feature
include NetManage Enterprise MIBs for DOS, Windows, and
Support for these MIBs is provided by the NEWT software and
can be turned on/off through the COMSPHERE 6700 Series
NMS Network Configuration feature. To do so, refer to the
NEWT TCP/IP for Windows Installation and User’s Guide