Management Information Bases
3-2 Issue 2 December 1996
MIB-II System Group Overview
The MIB-II system group contains system description
information. You may customize the sysContact, sysName, and
sysLocation text. For further details, refer to the
for Windows Installation and User’s Guide.
MIB browser output examples for the system group are
presented in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1. MIB Browser Output Table
sysDescr 80486 DOS 6.20 Windows 3.10 Enhanced
Mode NetManage SNMP 4.00
sysObjectID NetManage, Inc.
sysUpTime 00:00:24.99
sysContact COMSPHERE 6700 NMS Administrator
sysName Paradyne COMSPHERE 6700
sysLocation COMSPHERE 6700 NMS Workstation
sysServices 76
MIB-II Interface Group Overview
The MIB-II interface group contains information about TCP/IP
interfaces configured within NEWT.