June 2000
Frame Relay Performance Statistics
The following statistics appear when Frame Relay is selected from the
Performance Statistics menu.
Main Menu
Performance Statistics
Frame Relay
All counts continue to increment until the maximum value is reached (2
then the count starts over. The NextL
ink and PrevLink function keys only appear
when multiple frame relay links have been configured.
Table 6-19. Frame Relay Performance Statistics (1 of 3)
What It Indicates
Frame Relay Link
Frames Sent The number of frames sent over the interface.
Frames Received The number of frames received over the interface.
Characters Sent The number of data octets (bytes) sent over the interface.
Characters Received The number of data octets (bytes) received over the interface.
FECNs Received The number of forward explicit congestion notifications
received over the interface.
The network sends FECNs to notify users of data traffic
congestion in the same direction of the frame carrying the
FECN indicator.
BECNs Received The number of backward explicit congestion notifications
received over the interface.
The network sends BECNs to notify users of data traffic
congestion in the opposite direction of the frame carrying the
BECN indicator.
Frame Relay Errors
Total Errors The number of total frame relay errors, excluding LMI errors.
Short frames, long frames, invalid DLCIs, unknown DLCIs, and
unknown errors are included in this total.
Indicates that there may be a non-frame relay device on the
other end of the link, or the units at either the far end or both
ends of the link may be configured incorrectly.
Invalid Rx Frames The number of invalid frames received over the Network or
Port-1 interface.
There is a non-frame relay device on the other end of the link.