Available Basic Voice Commands
The navigation system can also recognize the
words in the following list.
Basic commands
Voice commandsand operations
Back dReturns the previousscreen.
Cancel dCancels the voice operation.
Help dOutputs the brief operatinginstruction by voice.
Voice operation for the iPod
For <Artist name>, <Album name>, <Play-
list name>, <Genre name> shown on the fol-
lowing chart, say the name their name in the
p Playback of iPod movies is not available
using voice commands.
Voice commandsand operations
Shuffle play dPlays all songsrandomly.
Pause themusic, Stop the musicd Pauses thesong currently playing.
Resume themusic d Resumesthe song currentlyplaying .
Next songd Plays thenext song.
Previous songd Plays theprevious song or returnto the beginning of thesong currently playing.
Play songsd Start playback fromthe top of “Songs”.
Play artists dStart playback fromthe top of “Artists”.
Play theartist <Artist name> dStart playback fromthe top of the selectedartist.
Play albums dStart playback fromthe top of “Albums”.
Play thealbum <Albumname> d Startplayback from the topof the selectedalbum.
Play playlists dStart playback fromthe top of “Playlists”.
Play theplaylist <Playlist name> dStart playback fromthe top of the selected playlist.
Play genres dStart playback fromthe top of “Genres”.
Play thegenre <Genre name> dStart playback from the topof the selected genre.
Show artistsd Displays theartist listtogether with sub-screento continue thevoice operation.d Touchthe desired
item onthe list orsay the desiredvoice commands.
Show theartist <Artist name> dDisplays the albumlist of the selectedartist together with sub-screento continue
the voice operation.d Touch the desireditem on thelist or saythe desired voice commands.
Show albums dDisplays the albumlist together with sub-screento continue thevoice operation. dTouchthe de-
sired itemon the list orsay the desiredvoice commands.
Show thealbum <Albumname> d Displays thesong list ofthe selected album together with sub-screen to con-
tinue thevoice operation. dTouch the desireditem on thelist or saythe desired voice commands.
Operating Your Navigation System with Voice