Set Multiple Docking Profiles
You can create a custom profile for every Portsmith Express unit that you dock
to. This feature is particularly helpful if you want to have different settings for
different Portsmith Express units. Each profile is user-configured and tracked
separately in the software.
To create an additional docking profile:
1. Dock a new Portsmith Express and a new profile will appear in the list.
2. Modify all the desired settings in the Portsmith Express SoftDock Utility.
3. Click Close. All settings for the new Portsmith Express unit are tied to the
product serial number. They will be activated each time you dock to this
particular unit.
In order to keep track of the various Portsmith Express units that you use, the
SoftDock Utility allows you to assign a meaningful name to each custom profile.
The Portsmith Express unit that you use at home will likely have different
attachments than the unit you use at your office place. In addition, you might
want to assign different settings for the units used by different people at the office
or at client sites.
Using the SoftDock Utility, you could call your home profile “Smith Family,
Home”. Your office profile might be called “Office, Personal Desktop.” The
profiles for units at your co-worker’s workstations or at your client sites could be
named “Office, Ben’sDesktop” or “Client Site, Barb’sDesktop”. You can make
the profile names as personal or as meaningful as you prefer.
To rename a docking profile:
1. Right click on the Portsmith Express name and PS number at the top of the
list. Select Rename. The following screen is displayed.
2. Type the name of the new profile, then click OK.