Powerware 9170 Power Supply User Manual

9170 User's Guide S LTM-1344 B Uncontrolled Copy
In this example, the sixth most-recent alarm (9 2 6) is being displayed.
A" means the Powerware 9170 system sounded alarm A (Low Battery).
If the alarm is still active, an asterisk (*) is displayed beside the letter
alarm code. 02/05" is the date the alarm occurred: February 5. 17:51"
means the alarm sounded at 5:51 p.m. And 04:35" means the alarm was
active for 4 hours and 35 minutes.
See Table 9 and Alarms" on page 83 for information about the alarm
Table 9. Alarm Log Reason Codes
Meaning Explanation
4 Open Cell Battery failure caused by open cell.
5 Weak Battery Battery failure caused by load test.
6 Phase Error Internal error ć contact your service representative.
7 Module Failure Internal error ć contact your service representative.
8 Excessive Transfers Internal error ć contact your service representative.
9 Precharge Failure Internal error ć contact your service representative.
10 Insufficient Batteries Too few battery modules; decrease load or add battery
11 Insufficient Modules Too few power modules; decrease load or add power
Menu Map
Figure 50 is an illustration of how to access all Powerware 9170 system
parameters. The menu structure has 11 primary-level menus, named
Password (1) through Parameters (11). Under each primary menu are
secondary items, each numbered by its location under the primary
menu. Use the various buttons as shown in the map to navigate to the
desired parameter. If you need to change the value of a parameter, you
must begin by entering the correct password value first. Parameter
values can be observed, but most cannot be changed, even though you
have entered the correct user password.