
CC-SG 5.1.0 Release Notes Doc. #
255-80-0005-00 Page 6 of 9
conflicts between the two CC-SGs if both are inadvertently brought on line.
This can be done by accessing the Diagnostic Console Operation Menu >
Admin > Factory Reset > Full CC-SG Database Reset option.
All appliances must be running the same version (5.1.0 or higher)
This does not pertain to clustering. A CC-SG “Cluster” cannot include a
virtual appliance. Only hardware units can be clustered. Failover for
virtual appliances is implemented by utilizing the VMware “High
Availability” feature.
Minor Features & Maintenance
1. WS-API Enhancements
a. getSystemInfo (31422)
b. Category Management Service (32538)
c. getNodeByName / getNodeByInterfaceName (32658)
2. Pause/Resume Management of Devices
Users can create a task to allow management of a set of devices to be
paused or resumed. Currently this must be done on an individual device
basis. The task is configured from the Administration Client.
Users can select one or more devices. Email notification of the task and
report completion is available. Users can retry a task if an error is
encountered with one or more devices. A summary of task executions can
be seen in Task History.