Samsung SAM52M Cash Register User Manual

SAM52 User's Manual v2.3 Introduction 1
SAM52M controls the connection between a Samsung ER 5200M Series (ER-5215M,
5240M, or ER-5200M) electronic cash register and an IBM compatible PC running in a
Windows 95/98/2000 environment. Using SAM52M at your PC, you can:
Connect directly, via telephone modem or by Internet.
Upload program files from the register to the PC.
Edit cash register programs.
Download program files to the register from the PC.
Download bitmap images for custom pre/post logos.
Poll reports from the register, save, display or print them at the PC.
Poll all stores, or individual stores.
Poll unattended at a predetermined time.
Download preamble/postamble bitmap files.
SAM52M converts polled reports to ASCII files, ready to be used by other PC
To use this utility, you must have:
Pentium 100 or faster CPU.
32 MB RAM.
150 MB minimum hard disk space available.
Dedicated serial port (RS-232C).
CD ROM drive.
VGA or SVGA display.
Windows 95 or above operating system.
US Robotics Sportster Modems are recommended for remote connections (for both PC
and ECR sites.)