Scanner Server
Users Manual CX2
When the status of the scanner server changes, the PRICOM USB Utility can notify you by
message and/or by sound (Default: Message ON/Sound OFF).
"When changing mode from waiting to connecting"
Notify you when the PC connects to the scanner server.
"When changing mode from connecting to waiting"
Notify you when the PC disconnects from the scanner server.
"When changing mode from waiting to other users engaged"
Notify you when the scanner server is connected to another user.
"When changing mode from other users engaged to waiting"
Notify you when another user disconnects form the scanner server.
"When Communication error"
Notify you when the PC and the scanner server have a communication problem.
Display message
Check this for each message that you would like to receive.
Sound is used
Check this to activate the sound for the selected change in status.
You can select your favorite sound.