Managing SimpleShare Foreign and
When a USB drive formatted with the FAT or NTFS file system is connected to SimpleShare recognizes the drive as a “Foreign
Disk,” and immediately makes it available to users on the network. The share name for foreign disks is set by SimpleShare, base
on the file system used on the disk. The files on foreign disks are not modified by SimpleShare in any way. If the disk is later
disconnected from the SimpleShare and attached to a Windows or Mac OS computer, it will still be readable by that computer.
The shares created by SimpleShare for foreign disks are referred to as “Foreign Shares.” An unformatted drive connected to
SimpleShare are recognized as “Blank Disk.” Before a Blank disk can be made available to network users, it has to be formatted
or claimed by SimpleShare.
SimpleShare’s foreign disk support function makes it easy to attach a USB disk formatted with FAT or NTFS and share its files
with other users on the network, with the following restrictions:
• Disks formatted with NTFS are read-only
• Foreign disks cannot be used for of mirroring
• Foreign disks cannot be used for striping
• Only share level access is provided for foreign shares (user base security, domain member and domain controller security
is not provided)