Using Google SketchUp and 3D
Warehouse with
SMARTNotebook 3DTools
Using SketchUp with SMARTNotebook 3DTools 15
Using Google 3D Warehouse with SMARTNotebook 3DTools 16
Google offers two 3D tools that you can use with SMARTNotebook 3DTools:
l SketchUp sketching software
l 3D Warehouse
Using SketchUp with SMARTNotebook 3DTools
You can use SketchUp sketching software to create 3D models. You can save these 3D models in
COLLADA (.dae) format and then insert them in SMARTNotebook software.
g To save a 3D model in .dae format
1. Open the 3D model in SketchUp.
2. Select File > Export > 3D Model.
The Export Model dialog box appears.
3. Browse to where you want to save the file.
4. Type a name for the file in the File name box.
5. Select COLLADA File (*.dae) in the Export type drop-down list.
6. Press Export.
g To insert the 3D model in SMARTNotebook software
See Inserting 3D models on page 5.
Chapter 3