Star Micronics NP-IO Printer User Manual

The relative horizontal tab command can move the print head
right from the current position with NLQ characters. The for-
mula for calculating how much the print head moves is the same
as in the absolute horizontal tab command.
Try this program to see how this works.
' Demo of relative horizontal tabs
20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"xl";
30 FOR I=1 TO 3
50 LPRINT CHR$(27);"\";CHR$(I*20);CHR$(O);
60 LPRINT "Horizontal";
70 LPRINT CHR$(27);"\";CHR$(I*lO);CHR$(O);
100 LPRINT CHR$(27);"xO"
110 END
Relative Horizontal Tab.
Relative Horizontal Tab.
Relative Horizontal
W Vertical tabs
Vertical tabs have the same kinds of uses that horizontal tabs
do - they just work in the other direction. Horizontal tabs allow
you to reach a specific column on the page no matter where you
start from. Vertical tabs are the same. If you have a vertical tab
set at line 20, a vertical tab (or (VT)) will move you to line 20
whether you start from line 5 or line 19.
Vertical tabs are not set at the power-on default. If you send a
CHR$( 11) which is the ASCII code for (VT) before we have set