Tab le of con tents
1. Sa fe ty in struc tions ..........................................................5
1.1. War nings and sym bols ..............................................6
1.2. Ex pla na tions and in for ma ti on .........................................7
1.3. For your sa fe ty .....................................................8
1.4. For the sa fe ty of the equip ment .......................................8
2. In stal la ti on in struc tions .....................................................9
2.1. Trans port ........................................................ 10
2.2. Set-up ...........................................................10
2.3. Com pres sed-air supp ly (only with com pres sed-air val ves) ................11
2.4. Elec tri cal con nec ti on ...............................................12
3. Functio nal des crip ti on......................................................14
4. Main ten an ce .............................................................. 15
4.1. Main ten an ce in ter vals ..............................................17
4.2. Ser vi cing the hop per loa der .........................................17
4.2.1. Re pla ce the sea ling rings ..................................18
4.2.2. Ad just the flap switch .....................................20
4.2.3. Re pla cing the fil ter car trid ge ...............................21
4.2.4. Clea ning the hop per ......................................22
5. Spa re parts list ............................................................23
6. Tech ni cal data.............................................................27