1.2. Ex pla na tions and in for ma tion
Var i ous terms and des ig na tions are used fre quently in these op er at ing in struc tions to en sure clar -
ity. There fore please note that the terms used in the text stand for the cor re spond ing ex pla na tions
listed be low.
Equip ment
“Equip ment” can mean an in di vid ual unit, a ma chine or an in stal la tion.
Op er ating per son nel
The “op er at ing per son nel” are per sons op er at ing the equip ment on their own re spon si bil ity or ac -
cord ing to in struc tions (min i mum age: 16).
Op er a tor
The “op er a tor” of the equip ment (pro duc tion man ager, fore man, etc.) is the per son re spon si ble for
all pro duc tion se quences. The op er a tor in structs the op er at ing per son nel of what is to be done.
Op er ating in struc tions
The “plant op er at ing in struc tions” de scribe the in ter ac tion of the equip ment, pro duc tion se -
quences or meth ods. The plant op er at ing in struc tions must be com piled by the op er a tor of the
equip ment.
Equip ment fore man
When sev eral op er at ing per son nel work on one ma chine, the “equip ment fore man” co or di nates
the se quences. The equip ment fore man must be ap pointed by the op er a tor.
Trained per son nel
“Trained per son nel” are per sons who, due to their train ing, are au tho rized to carry out the re quired
work in good prac tice.
Safety in struc tions 7