8 Sun Dual 10GbE SFP+ PCIe ExpressModule User’s Guide • August 2008
4. Select this option:
Download drivers and software
5. Select Linux as the operating system.
6. Locate the following driver and select Download:
Network Adapter Driver for 10 GbE PCI-E Based Network Connections for Linux
7. Review and accept the software license agreement.
8. Select this option:
Download Network Adapter Driver for 10 GbE PCI-E Based Network
Connections for Linux
The download begins. The file named ixgbe- is saved in the
~/Desktop directory of your system.
▼ To Install the Driver for a Linux Platform
1. Copy the file containing the driver from ~/Desktop to /temp.
The file is named ixgbe-
2. Uncompress and untar the file with this command:
3. Go to the newly created src directory:
4. Compile the driver source file with these commands:
5. Load the ixgbe driver with the modprobe command:
# tar -zxvf ixgbe-
# cd /temp/ixgbe-
# make
# make install
# modprobe ixgbe