SUPER MICRO Computer 5014C-MF Network Card User Manual

UPERSERVER 5014C-MF User's Manual
Power On LED
The Power On LED connector is lo-
cated on pins 15 and 16 of JF1 (use
JLED for a 3-pin connector). This
connection is used to provide LED
indication of power being supplied to
the system. See the table on the right
for pin defi nitions.
Fan Headers
There are fi ve fan headers on the
P8SCT, which are designated FAN1,
FAN2, FAN3, FAN4 and FAN5. Con-
nect the fan on your CPU heatsink to
the FAN1 header. See the table on
the right for pin defi nitions.
ATX PS/2 Keyboard and
PS/2 Mouse Ports
The ATX PS/2 keyboard and the
PS/2 mouse are located on J14. The
mouse port is above the keyboard
port. See the table on the right for
pin defi nitions.
NMI Button
The non-maskable interrupt button
header is located on pins 19 and 20
of JF1. Refer to the table on the right
for pin defi nitions.
Power LED
Pin Defi nitions (JF1)
Pin# Defi nition
15 5V Stby
16 Control
NMI Button
Pin Defi nitions (JF1)
Pin# Defi nition
19 Control
20 Ground
Fan Header
Pin Defi nitions
Pin# Defi nition
1 Ground (Black)
2 +12V (Red)
3 Tachometer
4 PWM Control
PS/2 Keyboard and
Mouse Port Pin
Defi nitions (J14)
Pin# Defi nition
1 Data
3 Ground
5 Clock