Technical Description of TANDBERG Gateway with software version G2
D13192 Rev. 02 29
It is also important to understand that only the password is protected with this service. The
actual connection is not encrypted, and can be sniffed as for a normal telnet connection. Disable Services
There is no router inside the system that can route between the ISDN side and the IP side of the
TANDBERG Gateway. This means it is not possible to get access to the Ethernet port via an
ISDN conference. However, if wanted the following services may be disabled/enabled (with
API commands):
• Telnet Service
• Telnet Challenge Service
• HTTP Service
• HTTPS Service
• FTP Service
• SNMP Service (may also be set to read only or Traps Only) Security Alert
The system will notify any management application when someone tries remote access over IP
with illegal password (via SNMP traps). Information about the intruder’s IP-address and the
service used (Web, Telnet and FTP) will be given.
When the (optional) TANDBERG Management Suite (TMS) is used, an email notification may
also be sent e.g. to the administrator of the network.