Technical Description of TANDBERG Gateway with software version G2
D13192 Rev. 02 31
5 Miscellaneous features
5.1 Phone book
The TANDBERG Gateway can store up to 100 numbers in the phonebook. The phonebook may
be edited through the web interface or by editing the dir.prm file, stored on file system of the
TANDBERG Gateway (FTP). It also interacts with the Phone book features in TANDBERG
Management Suite.
5.2 File system (FTP)
The TANDBERG Gateway incorporates an internal FTP-server where various files can be
The TANDBERG Gateway uses default files unless the administrator specifies/stores any of
these custom files (the default files are hidden). All the files described below are stored with the
filenames indicated in brackets. When storing any of these files directly from FTP the filenames
specified must be used. However, storing from the web page will change filenames
Legal File Formats:
Pictures JPEG (.jpg) files that are not greyscale and non-progressive coded.
Recommended maximum size is 352x288.
Sounds 16bit 8Khz mono Wave (.wav) files.
System Settings TANDBERG parameter (.prm) files
5.2.1 Picture files
Gateway Call Proceeding - callproc.jpg
GW Extension Enquire Screen - extreq.jpg
Downspeeding In Progress - downspeed.jpg
5.2.2 Sound files
Gateway Welcome - callproc.wav
Extension Enquire Sound - extreq.wav
5.2.3 Other files
Parameter settings of TANDBERG Gateway - all.prm
This file contains the current TANDBERG Gateway parameter settings.