TANDBERG Video Portal Data port Command Interface User Guide
• Address, the IP address of the Video Portal
• SubnetMask, the subnetmask used for the connected network
• Gateway, the gateway to route traffic to an IP number outside the connected network
• DNS Server [1.. 5] Address, the IP numbers of maximum 5 DNS servers
• Domain, the name of the domain the Video Portal is part of.
Example of IP feedback:
*s IP:
Address: ""
SubnetMask: ""
Gateway: ""
Server 1:
Address: ""
Server 2:
Address: ""
Server 3:
Address: ""
Server 4:
Address: ""
Server 5:
Address: ""
Name: ""
Returns the IP address of the NTP server.
Status format:
<Last Update>
<Last Correction>
• Status, indicates whether the NTP server is active or not.
• Address, the IP address of the NTP server.
• Port, is default 123.
• LastUpdate, indicates the last update date and time.
• Last Correction, the time correction in seconds.
Example of NTP feedback:
*s NTP (status=Active):
Address: ""
Port: 123
LastUpdate: "2006-04-10 15:21:14"
LastCorrection: 1
Display all installed option keys.
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