
Initial configuration
Initial configuration
Step one: Configure Ethernet Port A settings
The default setting for the Media blade Ethernet ports is auto-sensing mode. If the
switch ports to which you connect the Media blade are not also set to auto-sensing
mode, then you need to configure the Media blade Ethernet ports to use the same
speed and duplex mode.
To configure Ethernet Port A, log in to the Supervisor’s web interface and go to
Hardware > Blades. For more information about configuring the port, refer to the
online help accessible from the Supervisor’s web interface.
Step two: Assign an IP address to the Media blade
You can use the Supervisor’s web interface to configure the IP addresses of all blades
installed in the MSE 8000. Note that all blades are supplied with DHCP enabled. You
can either keep this setting or assign static IP addresses to a blade from the
Supervisor’s web interface. To view or configure the IP address of the Media blade,
log in to the Supervisor and go to
Hardware > Blades. To access the web interface of
the Media blade, go to
Hardware > Blades and click the IP address of that blade.
Only connect to Ethernet Port B if you need to connect the Media blade
to a second subnet.
Both ends of the Ethernet connection must be configured in the same
way. For example, either configure both ends of the link to be auto-
sensing or configure both ends to operate at the same speed and duplex.
To establish a 1000Mbps connection, both ends of the link must be
configured as auto-sensing.