The High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) is
an emerging consumer electronics standard that is
fast gaining acceptance by manufacturers of digital
tainment pr
oducts. HDMI offers an efficient
one-cable inter
face for High Definition (HD) video
and audio content between receiver/playback
devices and display devices.
ypical r
eceiver/playback devices include cable
boxes, DVD players, satellite r
eceivers, and High
Definition tuners as well as personal computers.
Display devices connected via HDMI include LCD
displays, plasma displays, and pr
ojection units.
Thanks to the simplicity of setup and the resulting
quality of the presentation, consumers are accepting
HDMI as a “must-have” item for the full HD experience.
HDMI uses the existing Digital Video Interface (DVI)
architecture and adds capability for High Definition
Audio and High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection
(HDCP). The latter technology enables tr
ue copy
protection of high-quality digital movie content.
HDCP is r
eceiving an enthusiastic response from the
entertainment industry, which is advocating its use in
all HD consumer products.
Application Note
HDMI Compliance and Sink Characterization Using the
DTG5000 Series Data Timing Generator